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This test was written by me. I hope you will like it [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Read the text and complete the task.
Guinea pig is a small animal which was brought from America. It is a domestic animal. It can be in different colors: it can be black and white like a zebra or it can be orange or brown. Guinea pig looks like a fat hamster.
Nowadays guinea pig is not an exotic animal. Many people have them. Pets need to be fed with carrots, apples, dried grass. Guinea pigs like fresh grass very much.
Guinea pigs should live in chests, they need their own little house. They need to move.
You should take kare of them. They may get ill because it is cold in the room. Also you should feed them with dried bread because their teeth grow fastly, and they can even die because they can not eat with big teeth.
Guinea pigs like when you take care about them. You should love them or they will feel bad.

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Two white guinea pigs Reading: Guinea Pigs - your domestic animals 650269930
Complete the sentences.
1. Guinea pig eats...
a. meat,
b. grass,
c. both meat and grass.

2. Guinea pigs like...
a. fresh grass most of all,
b. pears most of all,
c. carrots most of all.

3. Guinea pigs are...
a. small,
b. big,
c. huge.

4. You should make...
a. shop for it,
b. sport gym for it,
c. house for it.

5. Guinea pigs must not have...
a. big ears,
b. big teeth,
c. big eyes.

Do you have a guinea pig? Tell about it.
If you don't have it, would you like to have such pet? why?

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