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» What to do if your rabbit or guinea pig damages its leg
Evrica - a new site for learning English - Portal EmptyDecember 4th 2012, 8:00 am by Focus

» Some information about ARTPOP - new album from Lady Gaga
Evrica - a new site for learning English - Portal EmptyDecember 4th 2012, 7:22 am by Focus

» Crazy weather in Kavchatka
Evrica - a new site for learning English - Portal EmptyDecember 4th 2012, 7:03 am by Focus

» How to create a GOOD topic
Evrica - a new site for learning English - Portal EmptyNovember 15th 2012, 7:26 pm by Focus

» Additional Rules
Evrica - a new site for learning English - Portal EmptyNovember 15th 2012, 6:29 pm by Focus

» Poll: what will you do on the 20th of December?
Evrica - a new site for learning English - Portal EmptyNovember 14th 2012, 5:48 pm by Focus

» 14.11.12 - Focus's experiments
Evrica - a new site for learning English - Portal EmptyNovember 14th 2012, 2:59 pm by Focus

» Reading: Guinea Pigs - your domestic animals
Evrica - a new site for learning English - Portal EmptyNovember 13th 2012, 5:48 pm by Focus

» Discussing free topics here >>>
Evrica - a new site for learning English - Portal EmptyNovember 13th 2012, 2:27 pm by Focus

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November 6th 2012, 8:02 pm by Focus

So we're launching a new website!
I hope it will have a long happy life and soon we will be able to see hundreds of new topics per day and for about a hundred of registered users.

There's 21-00 on …

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